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Topics that are relevant to our work

Our topics

Topics that are relevant to our mission of transforming enterprises into adaptive, customer-focused, data-driven and AI-enhanced organizations.

Master Complex Problem Solving
Master Complex Problem Solving

“Master Complex Problem Solving” enables companies to solve complex challenges in a structured and efficient way by using innovative methods such as system modeling and simulation. The goal is to make informed decisions and develop sustainable solutions for dynamic and uncertain situations.
Transforming Into an Analytical, AI-enhanced Enterprise
Transforming Into an Analytical, AI-enhanced Enterprise

Transformation of analytical enterprise is essential for a firm's survival and success.
Transforming Into an Agile Enterprise
Transforming Into an Agile Enterprise

The transformation to an agile company is crucial to being able to react flexibly to rapid market changes, technological advances and increasing customer expectations. Agility strengthens the ability to innovate, shortens development cycles and makes companies more competitive in a dynamic world.
Transforming Supply Chains
Transforming Supply Chains

The future of supply chain management is digital, agile, and data-driven—are you ready?
Make Your Professional Service Firm Grow
Make Your Professional Service Firm Grow

Making professional service firms grow is hard – you not only need to compete for business, but also for the professionals that deliver your services. You have to allocate their time wisely between business development and project delivery. Test your skills in our interactive game.
Prototyping Business Models And Market Strategies
Prototyping Business Models And Market Strategies

We help our clients to prototype business models and market strategies using computational models, sound estimates and data.
Play The Beer Distribution Game
Play The Beer Distribution Game

The Beer Distribution Game was originally developed at MIT in the 1950s to illustrate how difficult it is to manage dynamic systems – in this case the dynamic system is a supply chain that delivers beer from a brewery to the end consumer. Play with our implementation of the Beer Distribution Game and learn about strategies to optimize the supply chain.
Business Prototyping Manifesto
Business Prototyping Manifesto

Introduces business prototyping as an intelligent and systematic approach to exploring, redesigning and transforming entire business ecosystems.
Mastering The Complexity of Digital Transformation
Mastering The Complexity of Digital Transformation

Mastering the complexity of digital transformation is essential for companies in their business success.