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AI For Enterprise Decision Making

A meetup about AI for Enterprise Decision Making.
The advanced analytical methods used in AI are having a profound impact on many business areas such as sales (recommendation systems, predicting churn), pricing (flexible, just in time pricing), HR (matching applications to job postings).
But what about decision making and decision support at an enterprise level, such as setting targets, managing innovation portfolios and assigning budgets and workforce to them?
Because of their future-oriented character, these areas typically lack the historical data which is necessary to apply advanced analytical techniques successfully.
In this meetup, we investigated the state-of-the-art regarding these topics. We evaluated the utility of using business simulations together with reinforcement learning to automate enterprise decision support.
The event was held as an online presentation on Teams on 24.06.2021.
Download the slide deck .
If you missed the event, you can watch a live recording here:
You can find recordings and materials from past meetups on our meetup homepage.