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Building Web-based Simulations Using BPTK

A meetup about building web-based simulations using BPTK
The Business Prototyping Toolkit (BPTK) is an open source computational modeling framework that enables you to build simulation models using System Dynamics (SD) and/or agent-based modeling (ABM) and manage simulation scenarios with ease.
The framework is used to build models of markets, business models, organizations and entire business ecosystems. It can be used to build small, explorative models as well as large models with hundreds of thousands of equations.
The guiding principle of the framework is to let the modeler concentrate on building simulation models by providing a seamless interface for managing model settings and scenarios and for plotting simulation results.
Meetup: Building Web-based Simulations using BPTK Image 1
Next to the actual modeling framework, BPTK also provides a REST API Server and Web Components that allow you to build web-based, interactive simulation dashboards with ease.
In this meetup, we explored how to build such dashboards using the BPTK Widgets Library.
A screenshot of a COVID-19 Simulation Dashboard
The event was held as an online presentation on Teams on 19.08.2021.
You can find the Jupyter Notebook that we discussed during the meetup on our GitHub Repository.
If you missed the event, you can watch a live recording here:
You can find recordings and materials from past meetups on our meetup homepage.