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Systems Thinking And Agility

Meetup about agility and agile organizations using Systems Thinking
Systems are pervasive – we humans live and work within social systems, and we are constantly creating new technical systems.
The term “Systems Thinking” became widely popular in the 1990s due to the very influential book “The Fifth Discipline” by Peter Senge. He wrote:
“Systems Thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes, it is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static snapshots.“
What does Systems Thinking have to do with Agility?
The original agile manifesto explicitly values individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
It is only fitting then that two of the frameworks for agile organizations, SAFe and LeSS, both explicit name Systems Thinking as one of their leading principles.
In this meetup, we explored Agility and Agile Organizations from a Systems Thinking perspective.
The event started with an online presentation – we then opened up a "virtual coffee lounge" with a video share and online whiteboard for post meetup discussions.
Download the slide deck
You can find recordings and materials from past meetups on our meetup homepage.