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Unlock The Power Of Complex Problem Solving

Problem solving is THE key skill for today's business challenges
According to the World Economic Forum, problem-solving skills are not only in high demand, they are crucial for the future of work. In this exciting Meetup, we will look at how to solve complex problems in a business context.
Why are problem-solving skills so important?
In the ever faster changing business world, new, complex challenges are constantly arising - tackling these effectively is important for companies to remain competitive.In surveys conducted by the World Economic Forum, complex problem solving is one of the most important skills required for modern working life.
The challenge in companies
Solving problems in a corporate context is a particular challenge:
  • Cross-domain challenges: Solutions often require knowledge from different domains and co-operation between different areas of the company. This is a challenge both logistically and culturally.
  • Rapid technological change: Every technological advance brings new challenges and problems. To stay ahead of the game, you not only have to keep pace with technological advances, but also anticipate their impact on business models and business processes.
  • Human factors: Resistance to change, different points of view and conflicts of interest make problem solving in companies more difficult.
Focus on content
  • Complexity drivers: Insights into why problems become complex in the first place.
  • Collaborative problem solving: The right approach and mindset for collaborative problem solving
  • Making decisions under uncertainty: strategies for making informed decisions in uncertain, rapidly changing situations.
  • Use systems thinking: to see the big picture without losing sight of the details.
  • Using data and analyses: to gain insights that might not otherwise be visible.
What you can expect
  • Insights from an experienced problem solver: our speaker Dr Oliver Grasl has over 25 years of experience in solving complex problems at all levels of a company.
  • Skills development: We will not only provide theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills, practice.
  • Networking opportunities: The Meetup will take place live in our office, there will be many opportunities to exchange ideas with other participants.
Whether you are an experienced manager or just starting out in your career, problem solving is an important key to professional success.