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A meetup about how to achieve true agility an organization needs to descale the complexity of processes and roles.
Scrum, Extreme Programming, and other agile frameworks have been introduced more than 20 years ago to improve the way software is developed, to get better business results, and at the same time improve the life of development teams.
Nowadays it‘s more and more clear to managers in all businesses, not only IT, why such frameworks based on empirical process control are much more successful in complex systems like business environments than old ways of project management. Unfortunately, the mentioned frameworks are designed for teams of up to 9 people and courses like the Scrum Master certifications are focused on how to introduce the agile way of working in a team, not in an organization.
In this talk, Robert Briese made the case that to achieve true agility an organization needs to descale the complexity of processes and roles. We discussed the organizational design implications that Scrum (as an agile framework) creates both regarding structure and policies.
We discussed what it takes for an organization to adhere to the foundational principles that support Agile software development as conceived in the Agile Manifesto. Furthermore, Robert provided learnings from adopting Scrum in large organizations with hundreds of developers using the LeSS framework. 
The event was held as an online presentation on Teams on 19.01.2023.
Download the slide deck .
If you missed the event, you can watch a live recording here:
You can find recordings and materials from past meetups on our meetup homepage.